• Aktualności
  • Wydarzenia
  • EU Taxonomy

Good practices For Using EU Taxonomy to qualify the property as environmentally sustainable investment

The Polish Bank Association and the Polish Association of Developers have jointly prepared the first edition of "Good practices For Using EU Taxonomy to qualify the property  as environmentally sustainable investment", which we also present in the English version - due to numerous questions from our foreign partners.

The document  is intended to support banks and developers in obtaining data for the preparation of non-financial reports by standardizing documentation of the fulfillment of individual taxonomic criteria.

Experts from the banking sector and construction industry industries analysed in detail Technical Screening Criteria - Annex I Section 7 (Construction and real estate activities). The result of this work is this publication, which consists of two chapters. The first attempts to answer questions to the specific criteria set forth in this Section. The second (commonly referred to as the “Checklist to EU Taxonomy”) focuses on defining the catalog of documents needed to verify real estate against the criteria set forth in Section 7.1 (Construction of New Buildings) of Annex I of the TSC.

Our goal was also to avoid additional bureaucratic burdens and referring to those already available certificates or other documents prepared during the construction process In Poland. Moreover, we wanted to support the unified and common understanding of Technical Screening Criteria in the context of Polish market

We hope that this document will contribute positively to the discussion among the EU on the usability of the Taxonomy.

For polish version of the document click here: https://zbp.pl/aktualnosci/wydarzenia/Taksonomia

Click below to download the file Good practices For Using EU Taxonomy to qualify the property as environmentally sustainable investment